The Eastern townships is a magical place of beautiful lakes, rolling hills and endless gravel roads. This is home to a wonderful gravel backpacking event, GBC500.

Endurance Aventure hosts a yearly event in which you can bike 500km over 5 days through the beautiful townships and enjoy the stunning views that this area has to offer. This year they introduced a 250km option and this is where I decided to jump on the opportunity to push my limits in riding this distance.

If you’re interested in trying a semi-solo type of backpacking adventure, this is for you! I say semi-solo as you are responsible for your own lodging for the days that you're out on the course. The event is supported with emergency support, hydration and nutrition stations, and being in the company of other riders.

What to expect:

- Have hydration and nutrition on you at all times.

- Have spare tubes, pump, c02, repair kit at all times.

- Have a plan to stay the night if you require it. (Most people took at least 2 days to do either distance).

- Support stations always had water refill and some sort of snacks.

- They use the Followmee app to track riders, so ensure you have enough battery on your phone. I put on my battery saver and had no issues on my android.

- Big climbs and hot sun, so have sunscreen!

Note, the course changes yearly, but here is the 2022 course map. Elevation was closer to 3600 meters .

My itinerary:

- Rode 135km on day 1, stopped the timer, biked 12km to my hostel Auberge Yoga Salamander in Lac Brome.

- Woke up on day 2 and headed back to where I stopped, started my timer and headed to the finish line. Rode 122km on day 2.

- I filled up water and carried Nuun Sport with me for my electrolytes.

Gear check:

- Norco Search 105 (2015), 36 in tires

- Front pouch for all the food and extra water bottle.

- Back pouch for the nighttime stuff (scope, contact lense case etc) and spare tubes and co2.

- Peppermint kit and socks.

- Oakley glasses and helmet

- Nuun Sport, potatoes, granola bars and pb&j warps

The energy with all the riders was very supportive and positive! When I finished, I was awarded with a finishers cup, jersey, buff and a tote bag. The finishers meal was FANTASTIC and the photographers always made sure to capture the right moments.

I am grateful that my mind and body were up for the challenge and the chance to celebrate with my friend Annie at the end.


Mountain bike magic in the Eastern Townships


1 year Move-Aversary